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AP Invoice Processing

How to Begin with Processing Paperless Invoices

Mohan Krishna
Go-to expert on financial engineering, Compliance management, and financial solutions.

Nowadays, almost everyone is moving away from paper. Your company should give the option of paperless statements and invoices, much like banks, utilities, and even government institutions do now. After all, using paper to do business produces unnecessary waste and clutter, leading to confusion in the long run, in addition to being rapidly dated. Going paperless improves efficiency for both suppliers and customers, streamlining business operations. Here are some practical recommendations for implementing paperless invoice processing if you consider going with automation.

Inside the blog :

What is Invoice processing?

Tracking and paying incoming bills from suppliers involve a series of activities called invoice processing. After invoices are received, the processing begins and ends when paid. Paying invoices include both physical and electronic invoices to send payments. The data on the invoice must be recorded in an accounting system, either manually or automatically, regardless of the form it takes. The ap invoice processing cycle is complete when the payment is processed, the information gets updated in the system, and the invoice is accepted.

What Are the Primary Steps in the Invoice Processing Process?

Efficiency is essential for managing a profitable business and processing bills accurately and on time. As a result, the critical steps in the processing cycle should get defined and should be simple to understand. The following are the main components of processing invoices:

• Invoice Receipt - The accounting division of a company typically handles every incoming invoice coming invoice generally held by the accounting division of a company. The department will examine the data on the invoice and verify the purchase of the good or service. Post confirmation, they will discuss the purchase order (PO) to make sure the values correspond to those on the invoice before sending it for approval. But occasionally, it's impossible to locate the PO. In this scenario, the AP department must first confirm the existence of the supplier before manually entering all their information, including coding and approvers.

• Approval of Invoice - Once an invoice gets linked to a PO, the user authorizes the goods or services and acknowledges them as received. If there is no PO, the figures must first get approved by the approver to process the payment. The accounting department then examines the financial values of the invoices independently to ensure they are accurate.

• Payment of Invoice - The accounts payable (AP) clerk will make a payment by the conditions agreed upon by the company and the supplier. Payments made beyond the due date may result in late payment fees or account termination, and timely payments are necessary to preserve good relations with suppliers. The accounting department must run without a hitch to pay invoices on schedule.

What Errors Happen Most Frequently When Processing Invoices in Accounts Payable Software?

Mistakes occur for various reasons, including human error, negligence, and unavoidable external forces. But the results might be disastrous if they happen while processing invoices. Fortunately, most billing errors are simple to fix, but even a tiny mistake will reduce productivity.

Here are a few typical billing and accounts payable errors:

• Data entry mistakes - There is much information on invoices, and mistakes frequently happen when entering this data into an accounting tool. One misplaced keystroke is all it takes to mess up the ledger balance and lose valuable time while the issue is found and fixed.

• Amount Due Before Product - An invoice could inadvertently be paid before the supplies are delivered, given the commotion in a corporate environment. Even if it might not come as a surprise, this does not mean it can never happen. Additionally, issues in recovering the payments may arise if the supplies never show up.

• Multiple Payments - Double payments are one of the problems that arise when companies decide to process invoices manually rather than using an automated system. If an invoice is not marked as "Paid" when it should be, it can get paid twice. The double-paid party may repay the excess money, but what if they do not refund? However, this is a one-off case. Accounting teams incur hours of wasted time since it frequently necessitates following up to recover the money. This kind of mistake can make a company appear unorganized and is embarrassing.

What Is Paperless Invoice Processing?

Processing paperless invoices entail converting all routine accounts payable operations from a paper-based form to an electronic or digital version. It involves handling these business operations digitally, accepting payments electronically, and using invoicing software like the Hermes AP automation system.

How do Risks Get Reduced with Paperless AP?

The main advantage of using a paperless AP system is risk minimization. Paperless AP removes the chance of human error because it doesn't require manual data entry or manual data transfer. As a result, you won't have to be concerned about entering inaccurate information, making two payments, or unintentionally paying for products before you receive them.

What Does Hermes- AP automation Offer?

Hermes- AP automation gives you complete control over all your business spending through these capabilities, allowing you more control, visibility, and savings. Hermes - AP Automation accounts payable software seamlessly integrates with your existing setup to offer quick, automated approval workflow, invoice management, and real-time reporting.

Hermes Account Payable Automation

Mohan Krishna

Go-to expert on financial engineering, Compliance management, and financial solutions.

Mr. Mohan is the Vice President of Finance at Calpion Inc. He brings over two decades of experience in financial solutions, compliance, taxation, and funding.

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